Tuesday, June 19, 2012

She Sells Sea Shells down by the Sea Shore

Large bivalve shells.
 Whoopee! I finally found the bags of sea shells that I'd been collecting with which to make new molds. Some days it seems like we will never get completely moved into our new house.

After looking at the bivalves I realized that there will be, by necessity, some sculpting to be done on the individual shells to make the final mold easy to use and not super thick. 

Most of our molds will have some elements large enough to create a nice focal bead or pendant and then the mold will be filled in with as many medium to smaller designs as will fit.
Small Bivalve shells

Above are some largish shells, one or two of them will be the focal point of the bivalve mold. To the right are some smaller bivalves. I think I have some others to go with these while I may sculpt some shells. There will be one bivalve mold to start with.

Some of my favorite shells.
Below are some of the conical shells that I plan to include in the second shell mold.

These will be challenging as I plan to have some that are the open side showing, again sculpting will be needed, and some that will look like the large tan and white shell in the upper right corner. Picking a suitable assortment for the mold will be hard as there are so many beautiful conical shells.

Picking through the shells again took me down memory lane. When we were kids we used to laugh when we tried to say She Sells Sea Shells down by the Sea Shore quickly. Actually we could hardly say it slowly. 

Penni Jo

If you would like to see our currently available molds, check out our website at Best Flexible Molds.

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