Monday, November 7, 2011

Still working on Cameos

Sometimes things sound easy to do when the idea is in my head. How hard could it be to mold an old cameo. Press clay into the mold, add a few leaves, flowers and swirls to bring a richer texture and more detail to a rather plain cameo? Sounds easy.

Yeah, right. I should have considered the fact that I've lost the vision in the center of one eye and that micro sculpting might take me a lot longer than it used to!

The larger cameo on the left was the first and went ok, not easy but OK. It now has a border. This photo is colored in Photoshop. Can't wait to try it in clay!!

The ring sculpture, right, with the very tiny face, flowers and leaves was, to say the least .... not easy. The photo of the ring shown here was taken of the brown clay sculpture. When a mold is made of this sculpture it can be used to make rings using a variety of clay and color. The next picture of the ring will be much prettier.

The ring was a challenge to make but, not that it is finished, I am really liking it and may try making it up in silver clay. We'll see.

If so, I'll post a picture.

Penni Jo

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